I’ve done my studies at PloTo and I integrated the Nanoquad program by attending the Quantum Devices (DQ) master in 2015/2016. The first month spent doing experimental work and cleanroom fabrication was very exciting and only a starting point on my way to research. I really appreciated that the teaching was often projected on state-of-the-art research, together with solid fundamental notions. Before attending the DQ master, I was sure to not to do a PhD. The experimental project combined with the visit of many different research labs made me change mind. Since I was looking for an electronic device project, I decided to go to IBM Research in Zurich to do my master thesis, in the Material Integration and Nanoscaled Devices group (MIND). I worked on III-V tunnel diodes investigation for steep slope devices (so called Tunnel Field Effect Transistor) and that was a very exciting experience. Hence, I decided to keep on working on the same topic and start my PhD in the same place (I am officially enrolled in EPFL-Lausanne but I do my work at IBM). I am currently at the end of my first year. In my case, the DQ master opened me the door on the research world, but it offers also many connections to industries. I personally highly recommend it and I am still very thankful to all the great professors I met during that experience.
Manuel ANDIA
After graduating from the Quantum Devices Masters in 2012, I embraced an academic career, specializing as an experimentalist in the fields of cold atoms, quantum optics, and quantum metrology. The courses I received during my Master’s degree gave me all the fundamental tools needed to approach the academic world and its challenges, and the variety of topics covered was an excellent way to fuel my interest and motivation for fundamental and experimental physics.
From 2012 to 2015 I did my PhD at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, under the direction of Prof S. Guellati-Khélifa and Dr P. Cladé, on the ultra-precise determination of the fine-structure constant by means of an atom interferometer of ultra-cold atoms and Bloch oscillations in an optical lattice.
I have then worked in Glasgow (Scotland) from 2015 to 2019 as a post-doctoral fellow with Prof S. Kuhr, in the field of Quantum Simulation. During this experience, I could use one of the very few quantum-gas microscopes in the world to observe single quantum-degenerate fermionic atoms trapped in a 2D optical lattice — the perfect testbed for simulating the Fermi-Hubbard model and getting better insight on phenomena such as high-temperature superconductivity.
I am now working as a post-doctoral fellow in the team of Dr S. Bize at SYRTE – Observatoire de Paris, on the Mercury optical lattice clock experiment. Optical atomic clocks already surpass standard microwave atomic clocks by several orders of magnitude and their practical applications (realizing the SI second, chronometric geodesy…) are complemented by a wide range of fundamental applications (tests of special and general relativity, search for dark matter…).
I started studying mechanical engineering in my bachelor’s in Iran and then changed my field of study to quantum physics in master due to personal interests. Entering the “Quantum Devices” program made a huge evolution in my academic experience. Being able to work in laboratory and performing fascinating experiments from the very beginning days and also the warm relationship between professors and students was really appealing to me. The lab project was followed by a set of systematized courses presented by the best professors of university of Paris. The courses could prepare the students very well to find and follow their interests. Visiting a well-known research center every week could also help us a lot in this way. I personally found an internship project on quantum well detectors at ENS through one of these weekly visits and decided to follow it on PhD which is my current situation.
“Quantum Devices” program was a bridge for me to become familiar with vast subjects existing in quantum world and gave me the tools to explore them as much as I need. I want to thank Maria Luisa and others running this nice program and also invite students not to miss this great opportunity.
Quantum technologies has shaped and will continue to shape our society. Enrolling in the Quantum Device program at University of Paris was my firm step into the realm of quantum technologies that was perfectly taken.
The combination of experimental trainings and theoretical lectures that were offered in this program provided me an invaluable asset that make me an attractive and competent applicant to many research laboratories.
Our lectures were delivered by top-notched academic and industrial researchers with outstanding expertise in their fields. Their deep insights gave me wide vision over studied topics and made me strongly motivated to follow and emulate their path.
Having a regular plan to visit the most pioneer research laboratories in Paris is another unique opportunity that was offered in this program. By the time of our internship, we had multitude of offers form top academic and industrial labs to select among.
And last but not least is the friendly atmosphere of the program. It provided me ever-lasting friendships and well-rounded life outside of the university
Philippe PETIT
I attended the Master program “Quantum Devices and Nanosystems” (DQN) in 2009-2010. The subtle balance between challenging theoretical lessons and both deeply educational and team-building experimental projects, constitutive of DQN’s ambition, was a very enriching experience. Moreover, I strongly appreciated the personalized support provided by the program’s teaching team during the delicate “PhD quest” period, a priceless help that allowed me to complete a PhD in MPQ Lab (Paris Diderot University) on quantum effects in mesoscopic systems and exotic many-body scattering phenomena in CNT quantum dots. I then pursued my career in the Industrial Property sector where I currently act as a technology transfer consultant and IP analyst for the CNRS’ technology transfer office.
I was born in Turin, Italy in 1996. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Physical Engineering in 2018 in Politecnico di Torino. In the same university, I graduated in Nanotechnologies for ICTs in 2020. During the academic year 2019/2020 I studied at Paris Diderot where I got my M2 diploma in Quantum Devices within the frame of a double degree project. This experience has been very valuable for me as I experienced a very challenging and interesting scientific environment which allowed me to widen my knowledge and meet people coming from different countries. At the moment, I am a PhD student and I work on the effects of space radiation on InGaAs infrared detectors at III-V Lab in Palaiseau (France).
After my B.Sc. in Physical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin in 2018, I decided to enroll in the Double M.Sc. in Nanotechnologies & Quantum Devices at Turin Polytechnic and Paris University. I was curious about quantum technologies and their harnessing to make major advances in several daily domains. Besides, the artistic and unique treasures of the French capital paved the way to the master experience.
Thanks to its broad view over contemporary research, the last year at the University of Paris helped me understand which quantum systems best suited my interests, within both the academia and industrial sector.
In 2020 I joined the Center for Quantum Devices at the University of Copenhagen as a Ph.D. student in Condensed Matter Physics, focusing on the experimental implementation of silicon spin-qubit processors.
I did my previous studies in Physical Engineering at Politecnico of Torino and I attended the master degree in Nanotechnologies and Quantum devices in the academic year 2019-2020. I am really interested in light-matter interaction, photonics and laser diodes, and I did my master degree final project on “High Power InP-based Master Oscillator Power Amplifier for LiDAR and Free Space Optical Communications” at III-V Lab, in the Paris-Saclay research area.
I am now pursuing with a PhD in “Optical Nonlinearities in III-V on Si hybrid nanophotonics” under the supervision of professor Fabrice Raineri at the Centre de Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies – C2N. The PhD focuses on the development of nanolasers and nanoamplifiers based on photonic crystals.
This master gave me the possibility to improve both my experimental and theoretical skills, and opened me the door to very good opportunities in research, both in the academic and in the corporate world.
I come from a little city in the very south of Italy, I live in Turin, where I attend the second year of PhD in Physics and where I studied Physical Engineering. After my bachelor degree, I discovered the existence of the master “Nanotechnologies and Quantum devices”, and I immediately decided to apply. In Paris I could both deepen my theoretical knowledge in quantum physics and acquire good experimental skills, in an extremely stimulating environment.
My expectations were not disappointed: already during the first three weeks of the program I had the opportunity to carry out an entire nanoscience project, starting from the decision of the topic (molecular electronics), moving to the fabrication process in cleanroom and at the end to the electronic measurements. It was challenging, but very motivating since it was the first time I could apply all my knowledge in a hands-on project.
The didactic during the rest of the year in Paris was different from the one I was used to in Politecnico of Torino: it was based on a learning by doing approach, which reshaped my mind on a research oriented point of view and helped us to establish a 1 by 1 relation with our amazing and caring teachers. I learnt a lot from all my professors, but two of them have a special place in my heart: my internship tutor, who always helped me to give the best, and professor Della Rocca (responsible of the Master program), who kindly guided me during the year both academically and personally.
Between one exam and the other, I also made a lot of new friends coming from almost all around the world: France, Algeria, India, Sri Lanka, Iran, Turkey. We spoke about our religions, important rituals for our cultures, our personal beliefs and prospective for the future. I strongly believe that the personal growth deriving from this international environment was an important aspect of our master and the quintessence of Erasmus.
For all this reasons, I will always remember my beautiful year in Paris and I will always be grateful to the Master program!
My student career took place mainly at Politecnico di Torino with a master in Nanotechnologies for ICTs and, thanks to the NANOQUAD double degree program, I had the possibility to enroll in the Quantum Devices master in Paris.
I concluded with a master thesis in the start-up Quandela (spinoff C2N) that ended up to be mostly simulation oriented, with focus on the analysis of direct fiber coupling of QD-based single-photon sources. Currently, I am continuing in Quandela with a PhD developing single-photon sources in the telecom wavelength, spending my time both in quantum optics labs and in the cleanroom facility of C2N.
The Quantum Devices master offered me the possibility to get some experimental and cleanroom practical experience. Moreover the quantum information-related subjects gave me the basics needed for the path I chose afterwards. This master, collecting many different subjects and grouping people from many different nationalities, is very helpful in the step of choosing what kind of job/research one is interested in.
Pierre HEMME
Currently in the third year of my PhD at laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques (Université de Paris), I enrolled in the Quantum Devices masters program after finishing my M1 formation in the University of Paris.
To me, one of the best aspect of the Master Quantum Devicies has been its experimental part. We have approached quantum physics from a theoretical and experimental point of view during the year, the experimental aspect has been for me very important for the PhD research after. We look explore many subjects, from microscopy and quantum theory of lights, to spintronics and work in cleanroom. Teachers are very interesting and work in the domain they teach, giving us real ideas of the actual current research. Finally, there are good relationships between students and no competition between us.
For all these point, I think the Quantum Devices Master is perfect for its originality, its diversity of teaching and also for the quality of formation we have.
Félicien APPAS
Currently third year doctoral candidate at laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques (Université de Paris), I enrolled in the Quantum Devices masters program after finishing my education at Ecole Polytechnique.
What I found appealing in Quantum Devices was the diversity of topics that were covered by the classes and the quality of the course material. I feel like I have acquired a good overview of current research thanks to bibliographic projects, lab visits and discussion with teachers, all of which are prominent figures in their field. I think this masters program is perfect for students who are aiming at a doctoral program in basic research.
I’m Federico Plazzotta, student from Politecnico of Torino. I’ve integrated the Quantum Devices master 2 program in 2019/2020. This formation allowed me to extend my knowledge of fundamental and applied physics of quantum devices thanks to lectures taught by affirmed scientists, and to apply my engineering background to the most advanced fields of research during the mandatory internship. The presence of many international students was highly stimulating and this academic year provided also the chance to make lasting friendships. Moreover, the supervisor of the program is always present and helpful towards every student.
Such degree, allowed me to find a job as an engineer in Turin, but also pushes me to look for a PhD to fully apply the concepts the master teaches.
Isabelle SAFA
I graduated from the Quantum Devices master in 2023. I did all my studies in France, starting with Sorbonne Université, then switched to Paris Sciences Lettres for the end of my bachelor and came back to Sorbonne Université for the beginning of the master. I also spent one year at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon to prepare and pass the agrégation (a French teaching degree). After that, I finally chose the Quantum Devices program of Paris Cité for the second year of master for the large range of topics it offers, and this is where I got to learn about quantum optics and quantum information. Besides, the fairly small class was for me one of the first occasions to truly meet friends from other nationalities, who are now spread out in different countries. That gave me the desire to go abroad too: I am now starting a PhD in quantum simulation at the TU Wien, in Austria!